This is a page that allows you download Exile for the Amiga. Unlike other versions of this game, these versions are 100% completable. See below for more information. First a disclaimer:
Email from Peter Irvin (creator of Exile):
Yes I've recently decided to allow old versions of Exile to be downloaded for emulation under certain conditions:
(1) The agreement can be cancelled at any time at short notice; such communication can be deemed actioned by me sending an email to this effect.
(2) The agreement terminates automatically after 1 year from today, unless ongoing permission is gained.
(3) There is no profit made from the site, except in minor indirect ways, like banner adverts.
(4) The agreement terminates if the site is to be sold or licensed or sublicensed or if there is a significant change to the way the site is operated.
(5) It is made clear before downloading on the site that I am not relinquishing any rights to Exile by making it available for download and emulation. (This presumably should apply to most of the games you make available).
(6) There are conditions that apply, and are made clear to the user, before the downloading. For instance, it is for their own personal use for playing using an emulator and is not to passed on to anyone else for whatever purpose.
(7) I am free of any resulting liability.
(8) I must have available the means to run the downloadable Exile files on my computer (currently a Windows PC), and for free, so I can check what is being supplied - if it looks poor or plays badly then I won't want it made available for download since it just degrades the experience and brand of Exile.
(9) If the agreement is terminated then the Exile related material must be promptly removed from your site.
If you have read the above statement, and agree to each point, you may download the file below.
- Exile (ECS) Galahad's 100% completable version
- Exile (ECS) + TRAINER Captain Paranoia's 100% completable version
If you are the copyright owner and would prefer this file to be removed, please email me. Thanks.
Some technical details for those who are
Peter J. M. Irvin (the sole copyright holder of Exile) allowed
Amiga In A Box to distribute the game
freely. Unfortunately AIAB distributed a buggy version by accident (a
version cracked by 'The Company'). If you have this version you may as
well delete it, as it will crash and not allow you to get far in the game (as
after you pass through the wind tunnel on the eastern side of the map, there is
a second disk protection check which 'The Company's version fails).
Galahad/FLT released a completely cracked version which he verified
himself. This version was playable right to the end of the game. (This is the
version hosted above.)
Another version which should be 100% playable was the trained version by
Captain Paranoia and includes lot of interesting cheats! This version is also hosted here.
As more and more people hear about the "properly" cracked version of Exile they ask for it to be placed in
the English Amiga Board's 'Zone'. With
requests coming quite regularly, I've decided to host it myself here.
I repeat, if Peter J. M. Irvin would prefer the file to be only
distributed by AIAB (which sadly no longer hosts ANY files?!) and the
Exile fansites which also host 'The Company's version (not knowing any
better), then it will be removed immediately. Thank you!
Note: You might be wondering why Peter J. M. Irvin would allow copied versions of Exile to be distributed instead of the 'original' retail version in the first place. Well, here is why: Due the limitations of the Amiga Disk Format (.ADF) advanced copyright routines (like those employed in games like Exile) cannot be replicated, which means that an ADF of the original retail version will sadly NOT work with emulators or even real Amigas(!), hence a cracked version must be used.
A separate project Software Preservation Society (SPS) is working hard to preserve the original non-cracked game disks using their own advanced file format.